Address: 254 Rue Bebey Eyidi, Akwa Ouvert de: Lundi-vendredi de  8:00H-17:00H 
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FINTECH based in DOUALA. Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The core languages of front-end development.

We wish to inform all candidates applying for jobs through TEFON HR SARL to include the below information on the first page of their CVs before sending to our site. Thanks for understanding.

The PUMA Field Operator (Pumpman) has an operational role with the integral responsibility to ensure that the HT-400 machinery, pumping equipment and other resources are effectively operated to optimise the ........

The Junior Reservoir Engineer provides professional and effective support to field development projects and production/ water injection analysis to enhance overall reservoir recovery within a ...

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(+237) 681 14 15 14 | 694 01 05 41 | 233 43 95 74

Lundi-vendredi de  8:00H-17:00H 

254 Rue Bebey Eyidi, Akwa